How to Secure Servers- Important Tips for Supreme Protection and Peace of Mind

June 19, 2024 / VPS Hosting


In today’s world, security is vital not only for entities but also for businesses. With the increasing number of security breaches, it has become necessary for businesses to invest in security measures to protect their belongings and employees. Security is vital for businesses for several reasons. Primarily, it helps protect the assets of the business, which comprise physical property like buildings and equipment, as well as intellectual property such as patents, copyrights, and trade secrets. Without proper security measures in place, businesses threat to lose their valuable assets to theft or destruction. 

Why is server security necessary? 

Safeguarding servers is essential for protecting delicate data and guaranteeing the smooth operation of online services. Servers are the pillar of most IT infrastructures, hosting applications, storing data, and letting communication across networks. As such, they are prime objectives for cyberattacks. To protect your servers and maintain peace of mind, it is essential to implement tough security measures. This article will cover the essential tips for securing servers. 

How to safeguard servers? 

To safeguard servers, it is essential to keep all the software, operating systems, and applications updated, implement strong authentication methods, configure firewalls, back up critical data, perform regular security audits and vulnerability scans, and train employees regarding security best practices to maintain overall security. Imunify Security is the premier security solution for Linux servers. Keep your servers safe and operational by entrusting all anti-malware activities to Imunify360. Spam filter services are another effective method for detecting emails that attackers use to send unlawful content. Let us explore these in detail-

Keep Software Updated-

Keeping software up to date is important for maintaining server security. Regularly updating the operating system, server applications, and any third-party software confirms that known vulnerabilities are patched on time, dropping the risk of misuse by attackers. Automated update mechanisms can untangle this process, however, it is also essential to review updates for compatibility and stability. By regularly applying the latest patches and updates, organizations can safeguard their servers from evolving threats and maintain a tough security position.  

Applying Strong Authentication Mechanisms-

Applying strong authentication mechanisms is important for improving server security. This includes using composite, unique passwords that are altered regularly and using multi-factor authentication (MFA) to add an additional layer of protection. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) usually incorporates factors like knowledge (password), possession (mobile device or security token), and inherence (biometrics). Firming up server access control involves additional strategies such as restricting login attempts, deploying CAPTCHA to prevent automated attacks, and ensuring secure transmission of authentication credentials. Together, these strategies play a crucial role in alleviating illegal access and protecting sensitive server data. 

Configure Firewalls and Network Security

Firewalls must be configured to monitor and filter incoming and outgoing traffic based on agreed rules, letting only legal connections and blocking malicious ones. Network security measures must comprise segmenting networks, implementing virtual private networks (VPNs) for safe remote access, and using intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS) to observe for and respond to doubtful activities. Frequently updating firewall rules, leading network vulnerability analysis, and guaranteeing proper configuration of network devices are also important to keeping a secure network environment.  

Regularly Back Up Data

Backing up data regularly is vital for safeguarding data integrity and business continuity. By maintaining scheduled backups of crucial and confidential data, companies can recover lost data caused by hardware failures, human errors, or cyberattacks. It is important to hoard backups securely, preferably off-site or in the cloud, to alleviate risks such as physical destruction or theft. Automated backup solutions can simplify this procedure, confirming that backups are up to date and willingly available when required. It is also important to test backups from time to time to authenticate their reliability and completeness to confirm they can effectively restore data in case of emergencies. Overall, regular data backups are a fundamental part of a comprehensive data protection strategy.  

Monitor Server Activity

It becomes important to monitor server activity to maintain security and performance. By unceasingly tracking metrics such as CPU and memory usage, network traffic, and disk space consumption, admins can detect irregularities or signs of potential problems instantly. Monitoring also involves noticing logs for unfamiliar admission patterns, errors, or illegal login attempts, which can specify security breaches or system vulnerabilities. Implementing alert systems is the best option that warns admins of dangerous events in real-time and lets quick investigation and response. Hence, regularly observing monitoring data, helps in improving server performance, detecting resource holdups, and certify compliance with operational standards.  

Implement Access Controls

Applying access controls is important for safeguarding delicate information on the servers. This majorly involves stating and imposing policies that direct who can access particular resources and in what conditions. A few methods like passwords, biometrics, and multi-factor authentication (MFA) authenticate a user’s individualities, while role-based access control (RBAC) controls privileges according to the user’s roles. Therefore, regular policy reviews and the use of monitoring tools aid detect and lessen unauthorized access, confirming data security and regulatory compliance.  

Encrypt Data

Encrypting data is also an important tip for safeguarding delicate information stored on servers. This process converts information into a format that can be read or handled using the accurate decryption key, thus protecting it from illegal access or theft. Using tough encryption algorithms such as AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) for both information at rest and data in transfer confirms that even if data is stopped or retrieved by unofficial parties, it remains unreadable and secure. Companies must obey encryption practices, with securely handling encryption keys and frequently updating encryption protocols to lessen growing security threats.  

Secure Remote Access

Securing remote access is important to protect servers from illegal entry and guarantee data security. This practice includes employing secure protocols such as SSH and using VPNs to encode communication channels between remote users and servers. With this MFA adds an extra layer of safety by requiring users to verify their identity with more than one method, such as a password and a token. Admission should be restricted based on the norm of least privilege, permitting users only the permissions required for their tasks. Frequently updating remote access tools and observing for uncommon doings help spot and reply quickly to potential security threats. By launching robust remote access security measures, organizations can efficiently maintain the privacy, integrity, and availability of their data and systems. 

Conduct Regular Security Audits and Vulnerability Assessments

Conducting regular security audits and vulnerability assessments is essential for maintaining the reliability and resilience of server systems. These audits methodically evaluate security policies, configurations, and controls to classify weaknesses or gaps that attackers could exploit. Vulnerability assessments vigorously scan servers and network structures for known vulnerabilities, confirming prompt remediation through patches or other measures. By constantly going over and updating security measures based on audit findings and vulnerability assessments, organizations can proactively toughen their defenses against potential threats and safeguard compliance with security standards and regulations. The proactive method aids lessen risks, improves overall security posture, and effectively safeguards critical data and resources. 

Educate and Train Staff

Educating and training staff on security best practices is important to securing server defenses and alleviating human-related risks. By offering complete training sessions, workshops, and resources, groups can enhance employees’ awareness of cyber threats, phishing frauds, and proper treatment of delicate data. Training must cover topics such as password hygiene, identifying doubtful emails or links, and obeying company security guidelines. Regular updates on evolving threats and security procedures confirm employees remain informed and watchful. Promoting a security-conscious culture inspires proactive measures and empowers staff to fund actively to safeguard servers and business properties contrary to potential breaches and vulnerabilities. 


Hope the security recommendations in this article should have increased your confidence in your server’s security. Securing servers is an ongoing process that necessitates a comprehensive strategy. By keeping software up to date, implementing strong authentication mechanisms, configuring firewalls, regularly backing up data, monitoring server activity, enforcing access controls, encrypting data, securing remote access, conducting regular security audits, and educating staff, you can greatly enhance server security.  

These crucial measures will help you achieve maximum protection and peace of mind, ensuring your servers remain resilient against potential threats. For those with a limited budget, bodHOST offers the most affordable VPS server options, providing an economical way to host your websites and applications without sacrificing performance. 

 Learn more about Top Website Security Practices That Businesses Must Follow.

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